Kia ora, I am a student at Marshland School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Outdoor jump Around!
Hi, Its me Chloe and this is my commercial from last term, I have done a commercial on why you should go to Outdoor Jump Around, Outdoor Jump Around is and Outdoor trampoline park with lots of fun things to do! ( by the way Outdoor jump around is not a real place)
I hope you like it!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Piskel inquiry
Hi I'm Chloe, and this term in inquiry we are focusing on taking action/changing the world. In this slide you will see my piskel art about what is happening to the ocean and why we should stop littering. Hopefully after you read this you will make a change and stop littering, maybe even stop using plastic...
Friday, October 25, 2019
Hi I'm Chloe, and in this post you will be seeing all of my measurement.
I have my way of working out the perimeter. Then some information about the area of shapes.
I hope you like it!
Friday, October 18, 2019
My goal ladders
Hello, its Chloe and it i term 4 so we have set some goals to work on this term, we had to do one on the 5 R's and one on whatever we wanted to do with maths reading or writing
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Why NZ children 10 & over should be able to vote.
Kia Ora, I’m Chloe, and I am here to persuade you to think that New Zealand children should be able to vote, because children can make their own decisions, and if they win they will be happy that they have changed New Zealand with their own decision.
I would love it if we could vote, it would give us independence, we will feel more free. I promise kids will be mature when voting, they will vote for someone amazing for New Zealand. After voting, children will be better and quicker at making decisions.
According to “the top ten” some kids think that they are more responsible than some 18 year olds! Sounds crazy right, but some people voting out there are not making the right choice. SO WHY CAN’T WE VOTE?
It is being ageist, the kid that agreed with what I was saying says that being ageist is as bad as being sexist and racist. It is inequality because you’re saying that children under 18 aren’t responsible enough for making a choice. That is just not fair!
Altogether I think children should be able to vote at elections so they become more mature and they will be excited to make their own decisions to change New Zealand. I hope I changed your mind!
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Hello its me Chloe, this is what we have been learning/doing in maths for the last bit of this term, we have been focusing on geometry. We have also learnt how to make nets, draw 3D shapes and understood translation, rotation reflection and tessilation! I hope you enjoy
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
A page from Tom Gates Diary!!!!! SSHHHHHHH!!!
Have you ever read A tiny bit lucky, Tom Gates??? Hello there it's me Chloe and welcome back to my blog! In literacy we have been writing a diary entry from the book that we have been reading. My book was A Tiny Bit Lucky! If you are thinking about reading this book then check out this slide because, it will tell you a bit about the book.
I hope you like it!
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Super cool Prodigy Screencastifys!!
Hello everybody, this post is actually my last post of term 2!!
since it is last day of maths for the term we did free maths time!! I chose to spend my time on Prodigy, and to make it more fun I decided to do screencastifys! So I put both of the screencastifys on a slide and put it on my blog!
I hope you like it!!!
My fantastic reading comparison!!!
Do you like Dr. Suess books? Well, if you do then this is the post for you! Hello again, it's me Chloe, this is my last post for term 2! I hope you like it!
Way back at the start of the term, we read a Dr. Suess book. I chose to read If I Ran The Circus, and now we're reading it again at the end of the term to compare them, and see if we have improved our reading skills! Please give me feedback on how I can improve!
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Super Fail on Snow Day By Chloe
Hello, it's me Chloe, for the last week of the term, we got to choose what type of writing we got to do, I chose to write a narrative, we had to find out the structure, language features, Tense, Style, Purpose and the Audience on the type of writing we chose. Have you ever played in snow? Please give feedback on how I can improve next time! I hope you like/liked it!
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Fantastic, Amazing AKO work!! ( week 9)
Hello there, I'm Chloe do you want to find out who invented weekends? And learn about the worlds largest swimming pool? Well if you do definitely check out this post! It is the last week of term 2!! YAY!!! Anyway for AKO week this week we did some more SIT ( something surprising interesting and troubling)! We had to read an article of our choice from Kiwi Kids news and wonderopolis, I chose to do Worlds largest swimming pool, from Kiwi Kids News and who invented weekends, from Wonderopolis! We also had to spend 20 minutes on Spellodrome, and do one of the activities ( of our choice) from the ones that Mr.Sutherland gave us and do that activity with the words that we have been practising on Spellodrome! I hope you enjoy/enjoyed my slide! :)Can you please give feedback:)
Friday, June 28, 2019
Super Spy Statistical Investigation
Hello it's Chloe again, in maths this week we have been gathering information and making it into a graph! I chose to ask people my question on a google form, and I sent it to the class to answer through google classroom. My question is Which talent would you rather have?
We also have been learning how to work out our mean, median and mode! I did my mean median and mode in my slide!
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Terrific Terrifying Tornadoes!
Have you ever been in a tornado/seen a tornado in person???
Hello its Chloe here, this term/term 2 we have been focusing on The Power Of Nature,
After we found out a little more around nature we made our own information reports on anything that related to Nature.
I chose to do my report on Tornadoes, I hope you learn something new!
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Endangered Super Sea Turtles!
Do you like Sea turtles? What is your favourite animal? Hi its Chloe here, and welcome to my blog post, in literacy we have been working on writing informational reports, we had to write one on an endangered animal, plant or ecosystem. I chose to do mine on an endangered animal, Which is Sea turtles. Please comment on how I can improve.
Crazy Crossword puzzle
Have you ever made a Crossword? Do you like doing Crosswords? Hi its me Chloe again, in literacy ( AKO work week 6) we had to pick out 10 words from the book that we were reading and create our own crossword puzzle out of those 10 words. Here's my one, Enjoy!!!
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Why does our skin get wrinkly in water
Did you know about that? Hello I'm Chloe and in Literacy for our AKO activities we had to read an article from Wonderopolis of our choice and write something Surprising, Interesting and Troubling about the article. I chose to do mine on: Why do our hands get wrinkly in water?
I hope you like it!!!
SIT Crocodile found wandering through shopping mall!!!
Hello there, I'm Chloe and in reading this week for our AKO work we have been reading an article of our choice and writing something Suprising Interesting and Troubling about the article. Have you ever seen a crocodile in person? I have!
I hope you enjoy!
Monday, May 27, 2019
Jumpy Jaguars informational report
Hello I'm Chloe, welcome to my blog, in the past few weeks for literacy we have been writing informational reports on nature! I chose to do mine on Jaguars! It was really fun learning new things about Jaguars, I hope you did too. What is your favourite animal???
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Literacy AKO work week 2
Hi I'm Chloe and in Literacy we have been working on our AKO work and this week we have been doing a story web about the book we have been reading. I hope you enjoy!
Tom Gates A Tiny Bit Lucky Book Cover
Hi, welcome to my new blog post, In Literacy for our AKO activities we have been making our own version of a book cover from the book that we have been reading. I hope you enjoy!
Friday, April 5, 2019
Sir Edmund Hillary Report By Chloe
Hi I'm Chloe and welcome to my blog, my literacy group was writing a report on an influential New Zealander I chose to do my report on Sir Edmund Hillary, I hope you like it!
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Play Animation! by Chloe
Hi I'm Chloe and welcome to my blog post, on Tuesday mornings Korimako year 5's have been learning how to do some really cool stuff on our devices, one morning we learnt how make an animation on slides, here's my one that I did, it's about a guy named Jeff that's late for work.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Haere Mai, Talofa Lava, Mālō e Lelei , Maligayang Pagdating and welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.
Te Reo Māori,
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